Q: Are animals responsible for COVID-19 in people?
Q: Can the bovine coronavirus vaccine be used to treat people?
Q: Will beef from cattle vaccinated for bovine coronavirus help build immunity against COVID-19?
Q: What impact is COVID-19 having on the beef supply?
Q: How does bovine coronavirus affect cattle?2, 3
Q: How do farmers and ranchers care for the cattle if they are sick with bovine coronavirus?5
Q: What is Beef Quality Assurance (BQA)?5
Q: Can I become sick with COVID-19 from food?
According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), meat from healthy livestock that is prepared and served in accordance with good hygiene and food safety principles remains safe to eat.1
Q: Are meat products compromised by COVID-19?
According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), meat from healthy livestock that is prepared and served in accordance with good hygiene and food safety principles remains safe to eat.1
Q: Are food products produced in the United States a risk for the spread of COVID-19?
Q: Can I get sick with COVID-19 from touching food, the food packaging, or food contact surfaces, if the coronavirus was present on it?
Q: If an inspector or worker in a meat processing plant became infected with coronavirus, would the meat produced at that facility be safe to eat?
Q: Can companion animals spread COVID-19?
Q: Could a farmer or rancher with COVID-19 infect cattle with the virus?
Q: If cattle were to become infected with COVID-19, would beef from those animals be safe for human consumption?
Q: Did animal agriculture contribute to the emergence of COVID-19?
Q: Could animal agriculture lead to future zoonotic-based pandemics?
Q: Could a disease like COVID-19 originate in the U.S. in the future? How does the U.S. prevent zoonotic diseases?
Q: Do feedyards or other cattle operations where a large number of cattle are in close contact increase the likelihood of a zoonotic disease or outbreak originating and/or spreading?
Q: Would reducing meat consumption lower the risk of future zoonotic diseases and pandemics?